Property Details

Applemarket House, 1st Floor, 17 Union Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey , KT1 1RR
4200 Sq Ft
(390.18 Sq M)
  • Air-conditioned
  • Town centre location
  • Lift
  • Open plan space
  • LG7 compliant lighting
The office suite is located on part of the first floor of Applemarket House in the centre of Kingston upon Thames. The accommodation benefits from air-conditioning, suspended ceiling, LG7 compliant lighting and kitchen facilities. The building has a ground floor entrance lobby, lift, and male and female WCs on each floor. Car parking is available in nearby town centre car parks.

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Bonsors are Chartered Surveyors and commercial property agents dealing with all aspects of commercial property in South West and West London, Surrey and Middlesex

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  • Warwick Lodge
  • 75-77 Old London Rd
  • Kingston upon Thames
  • KT2 6ND
  • T: +44 (0) 20 8546 0022
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